- Senior Prizegiving 1pm Thursday 31 October 2024 -

- Senior External Exams Commence Tuesday 5 November 2024 -

Ko mātou nei | About Us

Te Kōrero o te Tumuaki | Principal's Message

Nei rā te mihi maioha ki a koutou te whānau ipurangi.

Welcome to our website and our kura.

We’re a school committed to giving practical effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We celebrate our tangata whenua and tangata tiriti whānau. Our curriculum is designed to empower, promote understanding and pride in our community.

Our kura has around 400 students. Which is small enough for our kaiako to know all of our students and ensure we retain our whānau vibe! A parent who recently enrolled her son said "Small school, big difference!".

That’s exactly our purpose. To make a big difference. Whether our ākonga’s ultimate goal is university, a course at EIT (Te Pukenga) or starting a work career – we’re committed to their success.

We celebrate our diversity and acceptance of difference. We have students from many ethnic backgrounds, different religions and sexualities. We cherish our partnership with our Fairhaven special needs ākonga.

Visiting people are often impressed by the strong relationships and sense of belonging at our kura. Our kaiako care deeply about our ākonga.

We welcome visitors and new enrolments. Please feel free to contact the school for further information.

Nāku iti noa, nā

Jesse Te Weehi, Tumuaki (Principal)