2025 Year 9 Enrolments close Friday 13 September 2024 - Hui Whāinga 25 & 26 September 2024 

- Staff Only Day Friday 27 September 2024 -

Ngā Tautokotanga Ākonga | Student Support

Tamatea High School offers a number of services to students.

These services include learning support, counselling, Public Health Nurse and support with career pathways.

Deans 2024

Year 9 Dean: Meredith Ellingham meredithe@tamatea.school.nz 

Year 10 Dean: Chanel Atkin chanela@tamatea.school.nz 

Year 11 Dean: Emma Neal emman@@tamatea.school.nz 

Year 12 Dean: Tamara Murphy tamaram@tamatea.school.nz 

Year 13 Dean: Josie Burdon josieb@tamatea.school.nz

Public Health Nurse

Our Public Health Nurse, Alana, is on site Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. She can be contacted at nurse@tamatea.school.nz or students can call in to the clinic in the Kohukete block.

Pastoral Support

The school recognises the need to support the hauora (wellbeing) of our ākonga for them to thrive and reach their full potential. Our pastoral structure and the services available support student’s personal growth and development. 

Every student has a whānau group kaiako who monitors each student’s progress, attendance and wellbeing. Whānau group teachers hold hui whāinga three times a year to meet with the student and their whānau to discuss progress and goals. 

Our Careers team supports student pathways and connects them to opportunities that are aligned with their goals. 

Students are able to access these support services at kura, or whānau are welcome to reach out to our staff to discuss progress or concerns.

Learning Support

The School aims to maximise learning opportunities by providing a range of learning support measures.

Extension and Remedial Programmes for individual students are provided in Year 9 and/or Year 10.

Special Education pathways are provided to students with a medium to high level of physical and intellectual disabilities. Fairhaven Satellite School is located on site and provides a secondary school environment for students with some mainstream opportunities.

Our Learning Support staff aim to help students who have learning needs by providing remedial assistance. This assistance includes evaluation, monitoring and assessments, individualised programmes, reading and literacy support programmes. We also provide assistance for students returning from illness or other long term absence, as well as individualised extension.

Additionally, we provide support for students with specific behavioural needs, this includes: learning support, alternative and individualised programmes. The Dean, Resource Teacher, Learning and Behaviour (RTLB), Home Liaison/Whānau Support person, senior staff and external agencies all work together to provide support for the individual to gain success and achieve.