Reminder - school commences at 9am each day and concludes at 3.15pm except for Wednesday's where we finish kura at 2.25pm

School Photos - Thursday 13 March 2025

Year 9 Hearing Screening - 31 March & 1 April 2025

Rumaki i te Reo Māori

Junior Rumaki Class

Nau mai, haere mai ki a Rua tē Pāia: He kāinga Ka Awatea (Rumaki Reo)

He huarahi rumaki, reorua hoki.

In 2023, we began our inaugural Te Reo Māori immersion class for year 9 and 10 ākonga in our stunning Rua tē Pāia setting. With hard work and commitment, we have seen ākonga blossom in their confidence and abilities.

Whether a fluent speaker already or a beginner, our Rumaki team can help ākonga on their tikanga and Te Reo Māori journey. Our pathways include immersion and bilingual options.

The Rumaki class provides an excellent opportunity to be supported by our kaiako who are fluent in Te Reo Māori. Teaching of core subjects such as: Social Studies, Health, Science, PE, Maths and Technology are delivered in Te Reo Māori. 

English is taught separately in Kaupapa Rumaki sessions, in the bilingual space. Option subjects such as Digital, Food and Nutrition, Hard Materials, Music, Art, Dance etc will also be taught in English. Fluent speakers are welcomed and challenged.

Here’s what some of our ākonga say about their Rumaki class:

“I feel so free here to be myself.”

“It is like unlocking something that I didn't know I needed, like my history, my ancestry”

“I love Rumaki, I'm very focused in these classes and I love learning in this way.”

“I like being in Rumaki because it gives me a new perspective on things, also it has helped me to develop my leadership skills. He rawe te waka ama, Ki o Rahi mo te PE.”

“The Rumaki has given my boy confidence to believe in his abilities as a Māori kid, he loves the environment. He is immersed in his culture and he comes home talking about it every day. He’s really into it and I love that he’s taking it all in. He’s teaching me too, we’re learning together.”