Reminder - school commences at 9am each day and concludes at 3.15pm except for Wednesday's where we finish kura at 2.25pm

School Photos - Thursday 13 March 2025

Year 9 Hearing Screening - 31 March & 1 April 2025


Pānia a huge success

Matua Rāwiri Hindle (Ngāti Kurī) joined the staff on our visit to Wharerangi marae late in January this year as we started our journey that culminated in a fantastic show on the last Thursday night of term 2. 

Nearly a third of the school was involved in a show which was a response to the Ngāti Pārau pūrākau about Pānia, Karitoki and their baby, Moremore. It was far from a narrative play about the couple and much more an interpretation and response to the story.

The pūrākau tells of Pānia who was a shapeshifter and sea fairy. Every night she came ashore at Mataruahou (Napier's Bluff Hill). She met Karitoki and the two had a child, he was called Moremore. Karitoki's insecurities saw him try to stop his wife and son returning to the sea each day by placing cooked food on them. Things went terribly wrong. Mother and son fled to the ocean never to return.

In a very powerful performance our ākonga explored the theme of power and control in relationship. The students gave such touching performances that many in the audience had tears in their eyes. 

We're very proud of our students and grateful to Matua Rāwiri for his leadership. Whaea Josie did an amazing job as our producer and many staff gave their time and support with practicing, lighting, sound, providing kai, tickets and promotion. 

Kua poho kereru katoa tātou!